Welcome to

We are G1 Subbing Zone, an English language based subbing team dedicated to translating and subbing Eun Jiwon's variety shows. We are a volunteer-based team comprised of people of different nationalities and culture but all came together because of our love for Jiwon. Through these variety shows, we aim to show all aspects of Jiwon's personality. From his soft and caring side to his choding side and how much of a variety genius he is.
We do not own the raw videos of any of our projects but all subtitles belong to @G1SubbingZone. Please not be cut or repost our subbed videos without our permission and/or credits. Please do not re-upload to other streaming sites.
We do not accept requests for soft subs but we do accept requests of Eun Jiwon shows as future projects.
Do you stan Jiwon?
Do you wish more of his variety shows are subbed?
Do you like working with a team towards a goal?
If you answer yes to all three,
then come join G1SZ!
We are looking for potential timers and KOR/CHI-ENG translators, no experience required!